Defined Type: dehydrated::certificate
- Defined in:
- manifests/certificate.pp
Creates key & csr and request the certificate.Overview
Triggers key and csr generation and requests the certificate via the host configured in $dehydrated_host. This is the main defined type to use if you want to have a certificate. Together with the defaults in the dehydrated class you should have everything to make requesting certificates possible. Especially the dehydrated::certificate::* types do not have a public API and can change without warning. Don’t rely on them. Dehydrated::Certificate is also what you want to use to subscribe to if you want to restart services after certificates have been installed/updated.
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# File 'manifests/certificate.pp', line 76
define dehydrated::certificate (
Dehydrated::DN $dn = $name,
String $base_filename = regsubst($dn, '^\*', '_wildcard_'),
Array[Dehydrated::DN] $subject_alternative_names = [],
Dehydrated::Challengetype $challengetype = $dehydrated::challengetype,
Dehydrated::Algorithm $algorithm = $dehydrated::algorithm,
Integer[768] $key_size = $dehydrated::key_size,
Integer[768] $dh_param_size = $dehydrated::dh_param_size,
Stdlib::Fqdn $dehydrated_host = $dehydrated::dehydrated_host,
Hash $dehydrated_environment = $dehydrated::dehydrated_environment,
Optional[Dehydrated::Hook] $dehydrated_hook = $dehydrated::dehydrated_hook,
String $letsencrypt_ca = $dehydrated::letsencrypt_ca,
Optional[Dehydrated::Hook] $dehydrated_domain_validation_hook = $dehydrated::dehydrated_domain_validation_hook,
Optional[String] $key_password = undef,
Optional[String] $preferred_chain = $dehydrated::preferred_chain,
) {
if ! defined(Class['dehydrated']) {
fail('You must include the dehydrated base class first.')
require dehydrated::setup
require dehydrated::params
# ensure $dn is also in subject_alternative_names
$_subject_alternative_names = unique(flatten([$dn, $subject_alternative_names]))
$domain_config = {
$dn => {
'subject_alternative_names' => $_subject_alternative_names,
'base_filename' => $base_filename,
'dh_param_size' => $dh_param_size,
'challengetype' => $challengetype,
'dehydrated_host' => $dehydrated_host,
'dehydrated_environment' => $dehydrated_environment,
'dehydrated_hook' => $dehydrated_hook,
'dehydrated_domain_validation_hook' => $dehydrated_domain_validation_hook,
'letsencrypt_ca' => $letsencrypt_ca,
'preferred_chain' => $preferred_chain,
$json_fragment = to_json($domain_config)
::concat::fragment { "${trusted['certname']}-${dn}" :
target => $dehydrated::params::domainfile,
content => $json_fragment,
order => '50',
dehydrated::certificate::csr { $base_filename :
dn => $dn,
subject_alternative_names => $subject_alternative_names,
key_password => $key_password,
algorithm => $algorithm,
size => $key_size,
$ready_for_merge = $dn in $dehydrated::ready_for_merge
if $ready_for_merge {
dehydrated::certificate::deploy { $dn :
key_password => $key_password,